Arabic coffee and majlis – the symbols of Arabic hospitality and generosity

Arabic coffee or qahwah and majlis were inscribed on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2015. Qahwah was inscribed under "Arabic coffee is a symbol of generosity" title and majlis under "Majlis, a cultural and social space" title. They are two of seven elements of Saudi Arabia present on this list. Let's have a look at qahwah and majlis as well as why they are honored by UNESCO in this post.

What are the differences between Arabic coffee and other varieties?

Arabic coffee is served with dates, cardamom, candied fruits or nuts.

Arabic coffee uses Arabica beans roasted into espresso or latte blends. The difference is the way flavor is prepared and added to the beans, which creates its uniqueness. In Arab countries, they usually boil, filter and brew the coffee with cardamom. The final coffee, or qahwah in Arabic, is thick and dark black in color. Qahwah is traditionally preferred to be served plain and without sugar or milk. However, dates, candied fruits or nuts are usually served with it to reduce the bitterness.

Qahwah is usually served in an Arabic coffee pot called dallah.

Another uniqueness of qahwah is that it is brewed in a traditional Arabic coffee pot called dallah. Dallah has a distinctive form, with a long spout (photo above). This coffee pot is usually made of steel or brass. It is sometimes made of expensive materials like silver or even gold to use on special occasions by wealthy families or royalty.

Arabic coffee is served in a traditional decorative cup called Finjan.

Dallah and finjan usually go together. Finjan is a small decorative cup used for coffee. Each cup is poured full to its quarter and given to from the oldest and the most important guests to the less important ones. When the guests finish the cups, they can shake it to request for more. During the meeting, each guest usually drinks no more than three cups.

Why is majlis the symbols of Arabic hospitality and generosity?

In Arabic world 'majlis' is a meeting room for community gathering

Majlis, a meeting room in Arabic world for community gathering, is equipped with carpets, floor cushions or sofa. Arabic coffee is served in this room. Most homes have one majlis. Some wealthy families have two, one for women and another for men, separately. Those who are invited to the majlis are usually from the same family, friends or neighborhood. 

While enjoying qahwah in majlis, people will exchange news or talk about local issues. It is also used as a place to resolve conflicts and debate political or religious matters. In general, majlis is like a place for social communication. And it also represents the host’s hospitality and generosity.

If in other parts of the world, people get coffee in a hurry to start their day, Arabic people make enjoying coffee a ritual to connect family and communities. While visiting an Arabic country, don’t forget to try this interesting traditional culture.

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