Mulled wine offers benefits beyond just an alcoholic drink
The beverage, also known as a spicy wine and which was served primarily in Christmas markets in Germany, has now spread to other countries. It is easy to make a hot mulled wine by mixing red wine with spices. The drink can bring many benefits to people’s health if we have a cup every day. Let’s check out what it can offer.
In order to make mulled wine, we need to heat red wine and mix with sugar and spices, such as cloves, grated nutmeg, and cinnamon or mace. The alcoholic drink can be served hot or warm.
Spicy mulled wine is popular in European countries during winter holidays.
Benefits for health, beauty
Reduce stress and improve sleep
Red wine has a high content of melatonin which can help the brain reduce stress and induce sleep. If we often suffer from sleepiness difficulties or insomnia, let’s try a glass of red wine or mulled wine about 1 hour before going to bed. Absolutely, we will find a significant change in our sleep.
Prevent heart diseases
We all know that red wine is fermented from grapes. Grapes are among the fruits which contain many anti-oxidized substances, including resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin and proanthocyanidin. These elements are especially good for health.
Proanthocyanidin can decline the damage and oxidation process inside the human body. Besides, they can help prevent heart diseases and cancers.
Resveratrol can be found in grape peel, playing a role in restraining the oxidation process. This anti-oxidized substance is proven to help anti-inflammatory, blood coagulation, and decrease risks of suffering from heart diseases and cancers.
It would be great if we can sip mulled wine at Christmas.
Improving gut health
The cloves in mulled wine are thought to help increase gut motility, as well as improving digestion. As a result, the cloves are thought to improve digestive problems, including indigestion, wind and constipation.
The nutmeg in mulled wine may help clear the liver and kidneys of toxins, and is particularly effective as a liver tonic. Nutmeg can apparently also help prevent kidney stones from forming.
Beating colds
The antioxidants in red wine could even help fight infections and support immunity: A Spanish study found people who drank more than 14 glasses of wine a week had a 40 percent lower risk of getting a cold than teetotalers. Cloves are also believed to have anti-viral properties.
Pain killing
The essential oil eugenol, found in cloves, has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties that can be used to treat dental problems like toothache.
We can try a cup of mulled wine with some cookies.
Skin beauty
Not only good for acne treatment, red wine has a melisma-treatment content. Polyphenol in grape seeds can stimulate the exchange and reduce the dark pigments on skin, therefore can brighten skin.
Furthermore, according to several studies, there is a relatively high amount of vitamin E, vitamin C and SOD which all are known to help skin brighter, control the extra oil on skin and shrink pores.
If you have never drunk the mulled wine before, just try to cook and enjoy it this winter and share with your dears. You must love it.
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